
Tray-app is a set of gtk programs that reside in tray and do very useful things :) and don't clutter your desktop.

They are:

Almost all modern Desktop Environments and windows managers have got tray (notification area). For those that haven't got it, it's possible to use applications like trayer that easily can be found in ports collection.

wmfs's tray wmfs's tray
cwm + trayer cwm + trayer
xfce4's tray xfce4's tray
fvwm + stalonetray fvwm + stalonestray

All tray-app programs understand -i option that can invert color of tray icon. By default, the color is white. But for light-colored trays it will be more convenient to switch icon color to black.

Each program can be started separately, so if you don't need the functionality of some program, just don't start it. All you need is to put them into your .xinitrc or .xsession file:

doas /usr/local/libexec/tray-app/eject &
/usr/local/libexec/tray-app/battery &
/usr/local/libexec/tray-app/sound &

eject: Safely Remove Hardware

eject in wmfs's tray

The program is very nice addition to the hotplug-diskmount. It allows you to safely remove any plugged disk. It determines number of partitions it has and tries to unmount all of them. And finally, the program ejects the disk (if supported by the device).

As long as unmounting requires root privileges, you should run eject via doas.

On successful eject, eject shows notification using desktop notification daemon (e.g. notification-daemon). If it fails to eject, it shows message box with the reason that causes the failure.

battery: Battery Charge Level Meter

This program is for laptop users which shows charge level of the battery.

sound: Audio Mixer

This program allows you to change audio volume.


Public Mercurial Repository:

$ hg clone
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